Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our love Chirchir, knows no tribal borders!

To Chirchir

You are the girl who has half my heart and
I have half yours.
2 Hearts in one.
I speak half of yours and you speak half mine,
Language of love in one.
They burnt our house
And said it was Mr K’s
As if many of their names do not
With a ‘K* begin.
I lost my head.

we share the same sounds so sweet like yours.
Only years of hardship made tribes disagree.
So Chirchir, wait for me,
I have never met tribe,
Only you.
You, and I do not even have half a tribe.
Wait for me, I love you.
I am coming to look at you,
in the mirror of our eyes.

With tenderness, let us wipe hatred away
And give everyone water to drink.
Love, Kamau.

2017, Kenya post- election deadlock is old; who did not see it coming did not want to, and the child is dead

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